Learn more about the Mr. Cook recipe rating system
The Mr. Cook recipe rating system is designed to help you better organize and find recipes that you love. It also helps other users find the best recipes on the platform.
How it works
When you rate a recipe, you can give it a rating from 1 to 5 stars. The average rating of a recipe is calculated based on all the ratings it has received.
Every time you rate a recipe, you are helping other users find the best recipes on the platform. The more ratings a recipe has, the more accurate its average rating will be.
Why rate recipes?
Rating recipes is a great way to keep track of the recipes you love and to help other users find the best recipes on the platform.
When you rate a recipe, you can easily find it later using the rating system to filter recipes by their average rating.
How to rate a recipe
To rate a recipe, simply click on the stars below the recipe title. You can give the recipe a rating from 1 to 5 stars.
How are ratings calculated in a shared cookbook?
When you share a cookbook with other users, the average rating of a recipe is calculated based on all the ratings it has received from all users who have access to the recipe. That includes the ratings you have given to the recipe, as well as the ratings given by other users who have access to the recipe.